I should stop doing this. Should stop commenting about my new followers. But OH it does make me smile so when I see a new face in the followers box. So, ill make one more announcement and say thank you to my lovely mother for clicking the follow button. I was wondering when you would finally click it as you keep referring to it in my emails :)
There is a lot going on right now, none of which I can really talk about just yet. I did spend the day mostly on my own. I got up early, drove into Manchester to pick up a parcel. That was quite nice. The roads were still mostly quiet and it felt good to just get up and go somewhere on my own. This afternoon, I watched TV and slept a little (well, fell asleep in front of the TV more like) and then got up and went out again. I uploaded some pics onto Facebook of the swans that i sat watching. It was lovely by the lil lake thingie and I wondered why I don't go there more. The truth is, there is a lot of lovely places to go to, things to see, and sitting at home, letting week after week go by, gets me nowhere. Its depressing and pointless and I do intend to make more of the summer days and spend less time indoors.
Will add more later
Just wanted to wave at mommykins and tell her that I love and I miss her a lot too
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